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Public Engagement


For Employers


IOP/SEPnet Joint PhD Careers Event Makes PGRs Aware of Their Many Options

IOP/SEPnet Joint PhD Careers Event Makes PGRs Aware of Their Many Options

11 Nov 2017



On 8 November the Institute of Physics and SEPnet co-hosted a careers and speed networking event for post graduate researchers chaired by Mark Telling, Senior Research Scientist at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and IOP Vice President (membership).

Students had the opportunity to interact with physicists in business and research institutions including representatives from Diamond Light Source; IBM; ICG Portsmouth; MP Capital; NPL; Rank Group; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd to learn about different career pathways open to individuals with a PhD in physics.

Mark Telling described how 'this event not only promotes possible academic career opportunities but also provides a much needed platform for those sectors which depend on physics, and skilled physicists, but for whom career openings may not be immediately visible.'

The event was a great success with one Surrey PGR student summing up the event by saying 'it was great to have panellists from all different walks of life and who have taken totally different career paths � it really helped put into perspective the plurality of options that are available to us as physics students.�

Veronica Benson, SEPnet Employer Liaison Director added that 'collaborating with the IOP on this event has certainly enabled us to offer a richer experience to our postgraduate researchers.' The IOP and SEPnet look forward to collaborating on similar events in the future.